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Eco-consciousness at Work

Imbibing the E in the ESG.


Eco-consciousness refers to an individual's awareness and concern for the environment, as well as their commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. It involves recognizing the interdependence of human beings and the natural world, and the understanding that our actions can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment.


Eco-consciousness encompasses a broad range of attitudes and behaviors aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and minimizing harm to the planet. This includes actions such as conserving energy and water, reducing waste, recycling, using renewable resources, supporting eco-friendly products and practices, advocating for environmental policies, and adopting a more environmentally conscious lifestyle overall.


It can manifest at both the individual and collective levels, with individuals making conscious choices to reduce their ecological footprint and larger groups or communities working together to address environmental issues and promote sustainable living practices. 


We follow a four-step approach to help employees imbibe the eco-consciousness across all levels:

Facilitating conscious change management.png

Step 1: Aware


This is the stage where we use various techniques to engage the employees in green initiatives through awareness. 

Some of the steps we take include:

  • Acknowledging the collective climate grief we all experience

  • Calculating the current carbon footprint (individual, team, and organization)

  • Introduction to the “Kindness for Planet” toolkit to help them identify ways to reduce their footprint 

  • Understanding the organization’s ESG reports and its net-zero timeline

  • Identifying ongoing green initiatives in the organizations and selecting which one works best for them to begin with
    Starting your own initiative within the team

Step 2: Prepare


We help teams prepare themselves for the organization’s net-zero targets by helping them with the following:

  • Planning immersive meditative experiences to help people cope with climate grief 

  • Evoking kindness for the planet among the employees through these mindfulness sessions

  • Co-create team’s theory of change

  • Helping them in crafting plans/initiatives at the team/department level to reduce waste, adopt indoor plants, develop energy-efficient solutions, etc.

  • R&D of efficient solutions to replace our current style of working with eco-friendly alternatives, e.g., developing greener algorithms, smart contracts, shared drives to reduce email counts etc.

  • Provide them the tools necessary to monitor the impact of these initiatives qualitatively and quantitatively

Step 3: Act


Converting climate grief into climate action.


This helps us in the transition from ESG as a compliance to ESG as a calling. Some of the actions we take are:

  • Launch planned initiatives through agile project management

  • Monitor and track progress

  • Identify opportunities for collaborations within teams/ organizations/ media etc. to scale the initiatives

  • Identify opportunities to convert these initiatives into a service that can be offered to clients (social intrapreneurship)

  • Engage in activities like energy conservation, sustainable transportation, responsible purchasing, sustainable food choices etc.

Step 4: Inspire


Create behavioral change across the organization by shifting perspectives from the inside out to ensure the longevity of the initiatives. 

  • Share stories of kindness for the planet on the company’s portal and encourage participation 

  • Use the firm’s and individual social media accounts for PR

  • Share the benefits of being eco-conscious not only on the planet but on people, their engagement levels, overall well-being, etc.

Would you like to create eco-consciousness at work? Try our introductory workshop.

Drop us an email.

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